“Fallen Angels” by Tara is a compelling narrative that follows the complex life of a baby girl left at an orphanage and the aftermath of her mother, movie star Frances Fitzgerald, taking her own life. The story captures the protagonist, Cara, who, as a young woman, navigates her professional success as a journalist while grappling with personal struggles, including trust issues. The emotional depth of the story evokes various feelings such as anger, fear, happiness, and heartbreak.
Fallen Angels By Tara
“Fallen Angels” by Tara is a compelling narrative that follows the complex life of a baby girl left at an orphanage and the aftermath of her mother, movie star Frances Fitzgerald, taking her own life. The story captures the protagonist, Cara, who, as a young woman, navigates her professional success as a journalist while grappling with personal struggles, including trust issues. The emotional depth of the story evokes various feelings such as anger, fear, happiness, and heartbreak.
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An amazing book!